The benefits of Co-production
We recently met with Michelle Summers, Associate Director of Communications and Engagement at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership to discuss their Co-production training programme and benefits it continues to bring.
Members' Exclusive content - now live!
To support our members, we have launched an Election Hub in your members’ area. This hub includes a results reaction video from tCI Associates, helpful resources, access to member forums, and more.
Post election co-production
The results are in and as predicted by many pundits and polls a Labour government has been returned. The week of the election coincided with Co-production Week 2024, a celebration of working in equal partnership with people using services, carers, families and the wider population ...
What does the Labour win mean for you?
A change in governing party doesn’t happen very often. It’s likely that change will be big – and quick; similar to in 1997 and 2010, the Labour Party will be keen to demonstrate its commitment to its promises.
About tCI
The Consultation Institute (tCI) is a membership body, and global leader in consultation best practice and training.
Keeping you safe, providing assurance, and ensuring robust consultation processes that hold up to scrutiny
Join the dedicated membership organisation for consultation and engagement professionals
Learning Hub
Providing training and professional certification to help progress your career
We imagine a future where different insights are considered through meaningful dialogue.
The Consultation Institute (tCI) is a membership body, and global leader in consultation best practice and training.
Honest, reliable & personal
Support from a team you can trust
Our team consists of dedicated problem-solvers, united by our goal to ensure consultation and engagement is positive for everyone.
Who we work with

Upcoming Events
Keep informed on all forthcoming tCI training courses, webinars and events.
Co-Production for Public Engagement and Consultation
Conducting a Public Consultation
An Introduction to The Law of Consultation
The Law of Equality
News & Insights
If you have any questions, suggestions or requests please contact us and we will reply as quickly as we can.